Salman Rushdie

 Salman Rushdie 's Books

A very well recieved series by Salman Rushdie are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Shame, The Enchantress of Florence, Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism 1981-1991, Joseph Anton: A Memoir, Midnight's Children, East, West: Stories, Luka and the Fire of Life, Fury Fury Fury, Haroun and the Sea of Stories, Step Across This Line: Collected Nonfiction 1992-2002, The Satanic Verses, The Moor's Last Sigh, The Prophet's Hair, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights, Shalimar the Clown, Grimus, The Duniazát, Fury, Quichotte, The Jaguar Smile, Joseph Anton, Joseph Anton: A Memoir: A Memoir, Imaginary Homelands, The Satanic Verses: A Novel, Step Across This Line, East, West, which was published in 2022.